“You can do anything you put your mind too.” My mom has always said this to my sister and I growing up and still to this very day. She believes in my abilities not only because she’s my mom, but because she knows how hard I’ve worked to get to where I am today.
My parents raised me to be a hard worker and to not take anything for granted. I started working at the age of 14 so I could save up to buy my first car and the insurance that went along with it. I’ve had 1 to 3 jobs all my life even still to this day as an attorney. Working hard has provided me with the opportunity to have the education and experience I have acquired throughout the years.
Without hard work, I wouldn’t be where I am. But I also wouldn’t be where I am without my teachers, professors, mentors, leaders, colleagues, friends and family. These essential people have shown me the “real life” tools that are needed in everyday life. They’ve taught me many important lessons throughout the years. These supporters have challenged me to be my best self by counseling, questioning, and motivating me to achieve my goals.
I’ve always set goals and worked towards them. However, starting a law practice was not on my professional “bucket list.” I felt like I wandered trying to find where my abilities as an attorney could best be utilized. Every young attorney has a lot of learning on the job experiences, challenges and successes. However, as I started to find my way, I found that I wanted something different from what I was doing. Not necessarily the practice areas, but the avenue in which I practiced. I wanted to be connected with my clients. I wanted to create a trusting and lasting professional relationship with them. This is what inspired me to move forward in starting my own firm.
While I knew this would not be an easy task, I knew it wouldn’t be insurmountable. My supporters challenged me analyzing every feature of this idea saying it wouldn’t be easy and that there would be good times and down times. Life is a roller coaster filled with highs and lows, twists and turns, laughing and holding our breath. So why not? Why not take a new journey and create something from a vision.
The vision is now reality. Reality means working hard, cleaning floors, dusting, moving furniture, setting up business registration, insurances, phone and internet service, creating a logo, website and writing creatively. There’s much more to starting a business, but I’ll save that for later. I’ve enjoyed every moment as these are the moments I envisioned.
Join me on my journey! Come back soon to read more about how I’ve shaped the practice.